Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Blowing our trumpets....

Half term changes the dynamic.

I was a little early again, not having to wait for my son, but the clientele at the pool also changed. Two people in 'my' slow lane already, a child and a parent or possibly coach. The girl had really good swimming style so I was relieved but not surprised when they escaped to the 'medium' lane after putting up with me for a couple of lengths.

The butterfly was fine, though I have no idea what it looked like. A little disappointingly I only managed front crawl as two half lengths. Not sure what happened really - perhaps I wasn't taking it slowly enough. Or perhaps another attack of the self fulfilling prophecies.

To counteract anything of that tendency though, a large envelope arrived on the doormat this lunchtime. The bid to the Big Lottery Awards for All Fund I wrote about in this blog has been successful.

I've talked a fair bit about our coaches and our learners in these posts, but I've not said much about FRED's management team nor about our 'coach co-ordinator' Sheila.

Sheila's role is crucial. She is the first port of call for anyone interested in becoming a coach. She's also the first contact for anyone wanting to become a learner or to refer a learner. And vitally she not only matches new learners with the best coach for them as an individual, she also keeps in touch with each 'learning pair' and monitors progress, notes any difficulties and provides gentle support to all parties.

As she previously performed a similar role professionally,  FRED is extremely lucky to be able to take advantage of her experience. Sheila chooses not to be a member of the management team but provides it with a huge amount of feedback, allowing the rest of us to work out the direction in which FRED needs to go and therefore the overall shape of the bids that need to be made.

Our secretary, Vicky, joined FRED originally as its first volunteer coach and fairly early on became co-opted as volunteer secretary. At an event to celebrate FRED's first year anniversary, the first such event I attended, she spoke very movingly about her learner and about how she might sometimes search for material on the internet related to his personal interests, adapting it to a level that he'd be able to cope with. That's a huge amount of work and commitment and yet, often, it's necessary because the quantity of material available to provide reading practice to build up what's called 'reading stamina', is not huge. That's what part of the money from the Awards for All bid will go on: purchasing a greater range of reading materials at the right levels.

Kris Ventris-Field provides the coach training and focussed coach 'get-togethers' for us. If you've clicked on her name, you'll have realised she too, is another very experienced professional in this field.  Despite the fact that she is self-employed FRED receives her support & her time for free, such is her passion and commitment. I've learnt a great deal from Kris.

I'm proud to say I recruited the next member of the team myself. Janet Williams used to be head of Steam Mills School near Cinderford, a school I visited on a regular basis as a librarian to publicise the public libraries' 'Summer Reading Challenge' (credited as making a major contribution to keeping literacy levels high over the long summer school holiday).

Each year there is a different theme to this challenge. Each year I would groan with a sense of 'been there, done that' as I tried to think of a new way to enthuse the children in assembly. Memorably one year (the theme was sport) I even entertained them all by putting on my artistic roller skates. I don't know if it was that memory that made Janet say yes, or her knowledge of the literacy needs of the area and her continued commitment to education. Either way, she is a knowledgeable voice of calm and reason and a huge help and support.

Our latest recruit is Frank Rainer, our treasurer. Anyone who has ever worked with a small organisation will know how difficult it can be to recruit a treasurer and what a relief it is when one is found. Frank originally approached FRED as a volunteer coach but during the training, and hearing about his past career, we spotted his potential and invited him onto the management team PDQ. The bonus was that not only did he offer to be the treasurer when he found we didn't have one, but he turns out previously to have taken on that role for the highly successful Great Oaks Dean Forest Hospice.  He could hardly have come with better references!

And finally there's me, about whom you already know a lot. I've chaired FRED for about a year and a half and written the (mostly successful) funding bids on its behalf. I am sorry to be leaving FRED and I will miss the team (already do). One of the very difficult things for voluntary organisations to cope with is that circumstances change and volunteers move on.  I have great faith that FRED will survive. But as well as asking for your money tonight (please send cheques made out to Forest Read Easy Deal to

Frank Rainer, Treasurer, Oaklands, George Road, Yorkley, Lydney, Gloucestershire, GL15 4TL),

I'm also asking you to consider whether you'd be interested in joining FRED's management team. If the answer's yes, then please ring Sheila and let her know.

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