Sunday 28 April 2013

School reports

On the grounds of my height I was excused hurdles in the first year (Year Seven as it would be now) but we were then introduced to high jump. Various techniques were explained and tried but no-one could manage the Fosbury Flop. The teacher explained it again and unusually for me, I could visualise what she described. My turn came and........Yes! I got it! The only one in that lesson to manage it. 

Obviously, I thought this was going to be my 'thing', my chance to shine, my glory moment and I volunteered to represent my form in high jump on Sports Day. 

The embarrassment. They started the jumping at the highest I'd managed to do - and I couldn't even do that on the day! I never volunteered for anything sporty again. Crawling into a hole was much more attractive.

And did you ever have school reports where the subtext that you 'read' into them affected you more than the words that were actually written?

Year after year, for PE, I got: 'Catherine is a born trier', 'Catherine always tries hard'. In invisible ink afterwards I could always see 'but she never actually gets anywhere with it'. And these days, I'd probably also see 'LOL!'

So when you ask, 'why can't some adults read?',  just remember all the subtexts that you've been affected by in life and the moments when your own sense of failure (even if, in reality, it was only you who saw it as failure), led to you to give something up or decide something 'wasn't for you'.

Most of our learners appreciate the chance to go right back to the beginning of learning to read. Sometimes people ask for our help and when we do the initial assessment before we match them with a coach, we find they are better at reading than they think they are. For these learners working with FRED can be as much about overcoming self esteem issues and developing confidence. It is always humbling to hear how positively working with FRED has affected them and changed their lives.

I have no doubt whatsoever that I am going to complete this swim. The failure I still fear, is not achieving anything by doing it. I can still hear the words in my head 'she never actually gets anywhere'.

So to avoid this, I do once again ask you to please consider donating to FRED by sending a cheque for Forest Read Easy Deal to: 

Frank Rainer, Treasurer, Oaklands, George Road, Yorkley, Lydney, Gloucestershire, GL15 4TL

and please send me your swimming tips, & I'll advertise your cause / business on the blog.

Many thanks


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